Today we’re welcoming our first virtual intern to The Behar Group team, Maayan Elfassy. 

Where do you go to school, and what program are you in?   

I am going into my 4th and final year at Wilfrid Laurier University, studying communications.  

What was one of your favourite courses in school, and why?    

One of my favourite courses that I took in University was during the fall semester of my 3rd year called Social Media and Social Life. The class explored how social media creates new forms of sociality in everyday life. The name of the course is what initially drew me to take it, but over the course of those 12 weeks, I realized just how much I enjoyed this topic. The course has inspired my decision to pursue social media, digital marketing, and public relations as a career. 

What attracted you to want to work at The Behar Group?    

What attracted me to The Behar Group was, of course, the job title of social media/marketing intern, but also the real estate aspect of the job. My family and I have lived all around the world, and through those travels, I always loved looking at and comparing residential properties. So, I thought learning more about the commercial real estate industry would be right up my alley. Additionally, I have always thrived in a close-knit working environment so, although my time here is short, I do hope to make a lasting impression. 

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?    

Recently, in my spare time, I have been baking. A little over a month ago, I started an Instagram cupcake business called @cupcakednbaked, and it has been a terrific way to keep myself occupied and take my mind off all the craziness of COVID-19. I have always found that baking helps me unwind, but my friends and family seem to love it the most since they are my personal test tasters. 

Favourite restaurant? Or favourite place in Toronto?    

My favourite restaurant is called RASA. My family and I have been going there almost every Monday for the last six years for their live music nights. In terms of my favourite place to visit in Toronto, I would have to say, Kensington Market. I love to roam around there with my friends, try different food stalls and explore thrift shops on the weekends. 

If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been, where would you go?    

When COVID hit, I was actually in the middle of my semester abroad. I got sent home right before a trip my friends and I had planned to Croatia. So I would choose to go back!  

And lastly, complete this sentence:   

I’m happiest when… I am surrounded by my friends and family.


We’re excited for the remainder of the summer with Maayan and we are looking forward to showing you all of the projects that she completes with The Behar Group Realty.