It’s been an amazing year of evolution and growth at The Behar Group. I can’t believe it was just last September that Avi and I started implementing our plans for what we affectionately call Behar Group 2.0.
For me, this has included a new role, one which focuses on the strategic and operational excellence in all areas of the company, while maintaining a coaching role for our sales team. It has been incredible but I do miss being as client and customer focused as years past. The list of to do’s is long, but I am happy to report that it has been an amazingly productive year and we are looking optimistically towards the future.
30 Duncan St., Toronto
Within weeks, one of the key objectives that Avi and I had planned to implement will be complete; opening our downtown Toronto office at 30 Duncan Street. In our next blog post, we will give you a bit of a virtual tour (stay tuned)…
This exercise has been mind expanding as for the first time in many years, we made The Behar Group, the client. I’m happy to report that we lived up to our reputation of excellence. Once we open, we welcome you all to come by for a visit. We are truly creating a space where our team and our clients will be productive and feel at home.
Our new office, the feedback from client focus groups, as well as strategic planning work has confirmed many things. We have confirmed that our reputation for integrity, professionalism, fairness, honesty and company culture is an exception in the industry and is extraordinary. Thankfully this maintains, as we have always believed, that our company and team character is one of our unique selling propositions; that sales representatives want to work with us because of it and that clients also choose us because of who we are.
The other thing we have confirmed, and it relates to our opening up a second office downtown, is that we also have a reputation for quality. Not just in being good people, but in providing exceptional market knowledge and superior service to all of our clients.
So, why am I highlighting these attributes? Because our reputation for being the nice people to work with, the “un-broker” as we have coined, needs to be balanced with our reputation for being victorious warriors on the battle field of commercial real estate. After all, you don’t build a brand and reputation of excellence over 26 years if you are just nice. Don’t our clients want us to be both nice and victorious warriors on their behalf?
Another reputation related discovery is actually one of the core reasons for our optimism for growth over the coming years. Our hypothesis is that our reputation for being a company that sales representatives and brokers choose and love to be part of is universal, and will cross all known asset classes of socialization. Our culture is not replicable. Being part of The Behar Group team is unique.
Opening downtown, and to augment our continually growing retail presence, we hope to attract brokers and clients who focus on downtown office leasing and investment sales and whose clients are based in the city core.
We’re already known for being one of the top retail brokerages in Canada’s largest market. What we hope is that we can bring our culture and service offering to each asset class – to not be boutique in size, but boutique in service and quality in all areas of commercial real estate.
We have deep experience in areas of industrial, office leasing, land, development, advisory, business sales, investment sales, medical, hospitality, hotel and automotive. Opening a second office downtown, and growing our team, will allow us to demonstrate and highlight our expertise across the industry and not just in urban and suburban retail.
So, as you can see, the future is bright! Team Behar is just at the beginning. We are grateful to our entire team and to all of our valued clients and customers for helping us get to where we are today. We can’t wait to continue to grow with you in 2019 and beyond. If I or anyone from our team can be of service at anytime, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
I wish you and your families a happy and healthy holiday season.
Warmest regards,
Greg Evans
President, Broker of Record